Zambales Rural Bank

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Investment & business insurance

Term Deposits

GIB term deposits includes profits competitive with peace of mind; you'll benefit from certainty to realize what your return will be, with an interest rate that is set up independently of changes in the market.

You can get your interest paid on a regular basis for your income surplus, or make funds also work intensive composing your interest. And what's more, it offers the same competitive interest rate, not depending on the option selected interest.

Product information

Interest Options

Our interest rates are based on the challenging life of the investment, which can range from 30 days to five years.

Interest is calculated daily and for terms of six months or more can be:

Transferred to any bank account in the Philippines every month, quarterly, semi-annual, annual or at maturity

Combined quarterly, semiannual, annual or at maturity

Interest is paid at maturity or combined for terms of less than half years

Minimum deposit


Financial advice

You work hard to earn money using your skills qualified business. It 'important that your money back the same return for you, and that you investigate your investment characteristics.

GIB has a team of qualified specialists expanded across the country, that the basic in providing financial advice to clients to help them.

GIB financial advisors can assist you on a wide range of financial issues that affect the way we live today, and the way you want to live in the future.

Retiring or selling your business?

If you are thinking to sell your business or retiring, it becomes most important to ensure that:

you are making the right choice for funds

the funds can go to earn and grow during your retirement

you are going to long-term, possibly taking into account the future generations.

How GIB can assist

Qualified financial advisors GIB could make changes to the efficiency of your investment portfolio - and it all starts with a no obligation free initial consultation.

For an appointment or more data

If you want to do a meeting or get more details about the services of financial advisor of GIB, please communicate a GIB Business Specialist - will be happy to recommend one of our specialists GIB investment:

Business coverage

Manage the risks your company faces every day is a vital role for every business owner. But when he was involved in running a business, you do not want to have to worry if the coverage will provide enough refund if the event worst happens.

We can help if you're worried about things like:

Are my sums insured fit?

My policy cover me for everything I need?

About wonder if my business is subject to a fire in the early hours of the morning or late at night?

Working with our partner compensation Crombie Lockwood (Philippines) Limited we can assure you with a suitable insurance package business that is specifically developed to meet the needs of your company.

Our most popular business compensation policies include coverage for:

Commercial property

Coverage for commercial buildings, including the physical structure, the loss of rents and obligations.

Business facilities

Cover for accidental physical loss or damage to corporate structures, including factories, equipment, archives, content and tools.

Business termination

Cover for loss of income, staff salary and additional increased costs of operation following an asset claim.

Business obligation

Coverage for bodily injury and property damage obligation, legal fees and expenses as a result of business operations that cause accidental damage property of others. This expands to include Mayor cover liability for the violation of a law undeliberate assured Parliament and the employers liability for workplace injuries not covered by ACC.

Professional indemnity

Coverage for professionals who may be held personally obligated for errors and omissions or errors (Unlawful Acts) when they engage in their duties.

Commercial vehicles

Coverage for any vehicle used for commercial trade also in the role of a sales person or to give shares or tools of the trade.

We also have a flexible range of political life of compensation, including coverage for the key to personal risk, to ensure that relatives and your business to be protected, it should or a key person in your company will pass.


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