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Economic and markets research
Economic & markets research

GIB Economics and Markets Research team

The team GIB Economics and Markets Research is led by Chief Economist, James Bagrie. James team of economists and policy experts and specialists shops provide forecasts and research on the economy and financial markets and the Philippines.

News of Economic

View important data and policy releases.

Economic Outlook

Watch the weather for the macro-economy and trends in the financial markets of the Philippines.

Regional trends

What took place in your region? The analysis by quarters of ups and downs of economic indicators from around the country will keep you up to speed.

Business outlook

The results of a monthly survey of 1,500 businesses nationwide.

Graphs of exchange rate

Look at the trends of the dollar Philippines (CI) of the exchange rate of historical rates through the up-to-date hourly observed.

Graphs of interest rate

A graphical review of interest rates CI key, updated throughout each business day.

Market Focus

Weekly progress on international financial markets and local economic and annotations.

Agri Focus

Bimonthly overview of developments in the rural sector, combined with the research on the most important issues (formerly Rural Focus).

Property Focus

Monthly overview of market goods, assessment of trends, forecasting and suggested strategies for loaners.

Commodity Price Index

A summary of the price trends for Philippine's 17 main commodity exports.

GIB-Roy Morgan Consumer Assurance

A monthly measure of consumer assurance Philippines economy and how this affects their spending habits.

GIB Job Ads

Indication monthly indications of the labor market of Philippine based online and print advertising work.

GIB Truckometer

Monthly indicator of economic stains CI using the information in traffic volumes.